MSPA Forum Adventures Wiki

This page contains handy references for Parallels & Perpendicularities

Code Magic[]

Example: The following command will send a burst of white fireworks in the direction the character is pointing at:


FRWKS(255, 255, 255, pointDir());


Functions Reference:[]

Direction pointDir();
This function returns a Direction variable representing the direction the character's finger is pointing towards at that moment. Usually this return value is passed as an argument to other functions. When called by itself, or when assigned to a variable, this function will make a short sequence of strange symbols "coalesce" in the character's mind. See below for more on these symbols.
void FRWKS(int Red, int Green, int Blue);
void FRWKS(int Red, int Green, int Blue, Direction);
Each time this function is called, it will produce one burst of fireworks with the specified color and direction. Color components are presumed to range from 0 to 255, although this isn't confirmed yet. The void return type just means that it doesn't return anything. This function is overloaded to work with or without the optional Direction argument, which is usually pointDir().
Entity dirTarget(Direction);
It is not yet known what this function does, but intuitively it seems like it would return the target Entity of a particular Direction. When called by itself, or when assigned to a variable, this function will make a short sequence of strange symbols "coalesce" in the character's mind. See below for more on these symbols.



Parallels Map - assembled January 29, 2010


Perpendicularities Map - assembled January 26, 2010

These are very large images assembled from Dfaran's panels, brightened for the visually impaired, plus a bit of annotation. They are both already outdated, but revisions will be made periodically.



Symbol set as of January 25, 2010

Certain spell functions cause a short sequence of symbols to "coalesce" in the character's mind. It is assumed that these symbols represent the function's return value, or a reference to it, but no one has recognized any patterns that would allow us to decode them. There is some doubt whether it is possible. More than 30 symbols have been seen so far. This symbol chart is already outdated, but will be revised periodically.
