MSPA Forum Adventures Wiki
Author Marelo
Status Completed

Silence was a short adventure by Marelo, most notable for the protagonist's inability to talk in the main world.


The Nameless Protagonist is standing in a field, and quickly discovers he is incapable of talking. His only method of communication is various facial expressions directed at a sign, which can communicate by having writing on its face.

An Annoying Kid shows up and pisses off the protagonist, but is kidnapped by an evil force lurking in a tree.

After persuading the sign to help him rescue the boy, Nameless Protagonist is transported to a realm within the sign where he learns the nature of his enemy from a knight, before returning to his mute world (with the knight's sword in tow) to defeat the Nameless Evil.


  • Nameless Protagonist - The nameless protagonist has to save the world from a great evil. For some reason, he cannot talk.
  • Annoying Kid - He throws rocks at the Nameless Protagonist before getting consumed by the Nameless Evil dwelling in the tree. Nameless Protagonist has to go and save him.
  • Sign - One of the few pieces of scenery in this adventure, this sign could articulate its thoughts on itself. It could also create a portal to where mutes could talk.
  • The Knight - A guy with a knight's helmet sworn to prevent the escape of the Nameless Evil into the real world.
  • The Nameless Evil' - Some sort of evil thing with teeth. It kidnapped the Annoying Kid and would've destroyed everything under the sun. Or something.

